About the 'Genetics of Stuttering Study'

Researchers from the NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence in Speech and Language are calling for 3,000 adults and children with experience of stuttering (past or present) to volunteer for the Australian and New Zealand arms of world’s largest ever ‘Genetics of Stuttering Study’.

Recruitment for the study is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took part!


The study aims to pinpoint the genes that predispose individuals to stuttering. This could revolutionise future research into the causes, and biology of stuttering.

Volunteers must:

  • Be aged 5+ in Australia, or aged 7+ in New Zealand.
  • Currently stutter or have a history of stuttering.

Not based in Australia or New Zealand?

No problem - you are very welcome to sign up to our study; however, depending where you live, we may not be able to collect a saliva sample for genetic analysis just yet. Even if you are not able to provide a saliva sample, the information you provide via the questionnaire will still be valuable to our ongoing work to better understand the experiences of people who stutter.

The Dutch arm of this study is now recruiting participants in the Netherlands and Belgium! Please see http://www.geneticavanstotteren.nl/ for more information.

We will be starting recruitment drives in other countries very soon - watch this space!

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Who is co-ordinating this study?

The study involves 15 key investigators at eight sites in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, the USA and The Netherlands.

The Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, WEHI, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Griffith University and the University of Melbourne are coordinating the Australian arm of this international study.

The University of Otago, Wellington is co-ordinating the New Zealand arm of the study.

Need more information?

Please see our FAQs page, or email geneticsofstuttering@mcri.edu.au.

Thank you to all participants!